How to post live prerecorded videos or old videos on facebook

Nowadays posting a live video online has become very popular and people are trying to find news ways of doing that.

You can post your live videos on facebook mainly three types of vides:-
1. Your own live video via portable camera device or webcam,
2. Posting live videos from other website URL (e.g. youtube)
3. Posting live video session directly from your hard disk drive.

1. Your own live video via portable camera device or webcam:

We normally use our camera device with an internet connection to post such video sessions live.

Step - 1: Click on the New! record & share live video

Step - 2: Click on continue


2. Posting live video session directly from your hard disk drive: 

For this type of posting to any facebook page or group that you have created.

                                       Step - 1: Click on the publishing tool button, then click on videos

                                       Step - 2: Download and install OBS software!
                                       Step - 3: Install & launch

                                        Step - 4: Add sesnse button & write a name

                                              Step - 4: Add sesnse button & write a name

 Step - 6:Click on media source 

Step - 7:  Click on browse & show your file's location and click open.

Step - 8: Click on start streaming 

Step - 9: Go to facebook live dialogue box and copy the stream key & server URl

Step - 10:  Paste them into the OBS settings > Stream and save changes

Step - 11: Click on start streaming

Step - 12: The on the live dialogue box on facebook click on  Next  button. 

Step - 13: On the next window click on Go Live   button.

3. Posting live videos from other website URL (e.g. youtube): 

This process is ninety percent similar to previous one except the Step - 6 and Step - 7.  

Click on Browse Source and paste the youtube video URL in there. 

Then click ok and rest of the steps are same as above.

That is how you will post you live videos on 

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